A priest, a teacher, and an elder walk onto campus. This is not the beginning of a joke, it is the inauguration of the new classrooms at Konkourona Primary School! As Burkina Faso rolls back previous tight social distancing restrictions needed to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the village is now open again to non-residents and a celebration was held. It is worth noting that there were zero positive cases in Konkourona, so the requirements worked!
The inauguration began with a prayer and a blessing from Father Simeon, who is a Catholic priest from the Church of Konkourona, and the President of the Mami Siara Na Association KAFO is working with to support development in Konkourona. After the blessing, the School Director, Mr. Coulibaly Siaka, spoke to the crowd of parents, students, and teachers. Seated in the middle was Sele, the honorary village elder elected by the Association.
During the ceremony, the community expressed gratitude for the donors and vowed to do their part to support the students in the new school year. Teachers promised to work harder for the children, including spending additional days tutoring students who have fallen behind. After the formalities, everyone was invited to eat the dishes prepared by some of the students’ mothers. A good time was had by all. Thank you to our KAFO supporters for all the donations that made this day possible! And thank you the many people on the ground in Konkourona who continued to work diligently even through the global pandemic!

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