Here at KAFO, it is a part of our mission to help every child become great through power of education. Because of our supporters, we are doing just that. You had empathy for these kids and with kindness you offered your financial support. Thanks to you, the young students are even more eager to learn and excel. They are thirsty for knowledge and opportunity. They now feel like someone believes in them and is invested in their future.
We would love to show you some of the progress that your support had achieved.

Here is a look inside an old classroom. Old classrooms had no electricity, poor ventilation, leaking roofs, and broken desks.
New classrooms have solar powered electricity, lighting, fans, sturdy ceilings and brand new desks. Improvements like these have invigorated the young students.

We are also in the process of building new housing for teachers. Electricity will better enable them to do their job. A private and comfortable home will offer a place for their family to live. Here is a look at the former teachers house and the new homes being built.

Partnering with Mami Siara Na, we have identified many ways to improve living in Konkourona. Together with your donations, we really are “Empowering a Village”. Join our email list to stay in the loop and see what we will do next.
KAFO! (Thank You!)
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