Hundreds of hard-working people gathered to clean the grounds around their brand-new maternal and child center, primary care center, pharmacy, housing for healthcare workers, kitchens, and latrines. Leaders are inviting people to make the health center a place that people from anywhere in the region, country and world would want to visit to obtain care.

Keeping primary care separate from the maternal and child care will ensure privacy for women and children during prenatal and postnatal visits and during childbirth. It will also keep people with potential infectious diseases away from the most vulnerable members of the population.

A pharmacy (right) was built right next to the primary care center (left). The pharmacy will provide access to essential medicines and vaccines.

Three houses (above) were built for healthcare workers.

Latrines (above) are critical to prevent contamination of food and reduce the risk of spreading diarrheal diseases.

Incineration of healthcare waste (above) is an integral part of the overall health center to reduce the risk of transmitting diseases.

The community has chosen to levy affordable fees to ensure sustainability of the water system and the health center.
Over the next few weeks, the water system will be connected to the health center and access will be expanded throughout the village. KAFO is partnering with Project C.U.R.E in the United States and with Rotary clubs in the United States and Burkina Faso to provide medical equipment, and essential medicines and vaccines.
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