Clementine Tindano is an ophthalmologist in Bobo-Dioulasso, a city approximately 50 miles from Konkourona. She learned about the commitment being made to education and healthcare in the community and she wanted to dedicate some of her time to help. She is currently traveling to Konkourona once per month and providing care at a greatly reduced rate to what she would receive by seeing patients in Bobo-Dioulasso.

She examined 20 patients during her first trip to Konkourona and found the following:
- 2 had late stage cataracts that should be removed
- 7 had middle stage cataracts that should be monitored
- 1 had a foriegn body that had been in her eye for 6 years extracted
- 1 boy requested protection of his one remaining eye after losing his other eye during a childhood infection
We would like to have all of the school children screened this year and make sure they are treated and given glasses, if needed, to improve their chances of success in school. In addition, the Regional Medical Director asked if Clementine would be willing to see patients from surrounding villages in Konkourona to expand their access to care.

Meanwhile, KAFO Field Program Director, Victorien Millogo, has been hosting visitors in Konkourona and traveling throughout Burkina Faso with Mamadou Tindano, the middle school construction engineer, to gain approval to open the school. While KAFO and MSN could hire teachers and open the middle school privately, we believe it will be more sustainable if we partner with the government and integrate the new middle school into the standard education program. This will keep costs for students, KAFO and MSN low so that the school is accessible to everyone.

We are very thankful for the incredible improvement to health in the community brought about by Clementine Tindano’s generous offer to travel to Konkourona. We are optimistic that Victorien Millogo and Mamadou Tindano will be successful in advocating for the opening of the middle school next month.

Thank you for your help!