Good Health and Well-Being
Big plans for 2022!
The medical equipment and supplies for the new health center in Konkourona made it to the port in Accra, Ghana 4 weeks ago, from West Grove, PA in the US. While we are waiting for the shipment to clear customs, work has started on several new projects. Desertification is a major concern in Burkina Faso,…
Progress continues!
A delegation from Burkina Faso’s Ministry of Health visited Konkourona in February and met with village leaders (below) to discuss the overall health center management system. Together, they covered the costs of essential medicines and vaccines, government support of the equipment needed and being sent from the United States, and the need for a transparent…
Shipment was sent!
I had the great fortune to work with many people from Project c.u.r.e. over the past 10 months to prepare for shipment of medical equipment and supplies to Konkourona, Burkina Faso, some of whom are pictured here. Thankfully, Evariste Yanogo, who managed the actual shipping, purchased an extra large container for us, because we needed…
Health center almost finished!
Hundreds of hard-working people gathered to clean the grounds around their brand-new maternal and child center, primary care center, pharmacy, housing for healthcare workers, kitchens, and latrines. Leaders are inviting people to make the health center a place that people from anywhere in the region, country and world would want to visit to obtain care.…
Happy Thanksgiving!
Family and friends from Merck & Co., Inc., the Souderton-Telford Rotary Club, and Care and Share Thrift Shoppes came together this week to help us collect beautiful clothing and sturdy shoes to finish packing a shipping container of medical equipment to be donated by Project C.U.R.E. and soon to be sent by partner, Evariste Yanogo,…