Good Health and Well-Being
Village Leaders Travel to Mali
Victorien Millogo, KAFO’s Field Program Director and Mami Siara N’a’s Vice President (in blue), traveled to Mpakasso, Mali with Moussa David Millogo (far left), and Ardiouma Millogo (second from right) at the beginning of August. The team met with Dr. Souleymane Kone (right) and leaders and community members from Mpakasso to learn best practices for…
The search for water has begun!
Big things are happening in Konkourona! Mami Siara Na submitted the application to the Burkina Faso government which will allow the health center to be supported by the Ministry of Health. This means that the health center would have access to medications, supplies, and nurses to staff the clinic provided by the government. The engineers…
Global Giving Success
After an eventful two weeks, we want to offer huge thanks to all of the amazing donors who supported our campaign! We had 100 donations and raised a total of $13,239! Thank you for helping KAFO reach higher! These contributions will be directly applied to building a health care center in Konkourona, changing citizens’ lives…
The GlobalGiving Accelerator Campaign has begun!
KAFO has been accepted into the GlobalGiving Accelerator Program! GlobalGiving is the largest global crowdfunding community, connecting nonprofits, donors, and companies in nearly every country around the world! Participating in the GlobalGiving Accelerator Crowdfunding Campaign gives KAFO the chance to gain permanent membership into the GlobalGiving community. Between September 14th and September 30th, we will be raising…
Primary Health Center gains new grounds!
A successful meeting of the Mami Siara Na Association, the Land Chief and the elders of Konkourona was held, during which a site was chosen for the construction of the new Primary Health Center. An additional meeting was then held with the three men whose land would be needed for the site and the men…