
Tremendous progress has been made in Konkourona since KAFO and MSN began the First Mile Community Development Program in 2019. Access to education, healthcare and water is now available to all citizens. Additionally, many jobs have been created and 1100 fruit and shade trees have been planted.

  • Congratulations Marie and Geneviève

    Congratulations Marie and Geneviève

    Marie and Geneviève successfully graduated from high school and will be attending a university in Burkina Faso in the fall!  Marie’s strengths are wide-ranging, including French, History and Geography, Philosophy and Physical Sciences.  Geneviève excels in the study of languages, including Bobo, Dyula, French, German, and English.   These young women are two of approximately…

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  • The Women’s Center is open in Konkourona!

    The Women’s Center is open in Konkourona!

    Men, women and children gathered in the multipurpose center last week for training to improve the water management system in Konkourona.    The new center will be managed by the women in the community for  vaccination campaigns, a waiting area for patients using the health center, a cafeteria, a training room, and a hub for…

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  • Happy 5th Birthday to KAFO!

    Happy 5th Birthday to KAFO!

    Exactly 5 years ago today, I was on a trip to Acadia National Park in Maine with my daughters and my niece.  I woke up early and worked in the lobby while they slept, putting the finishing touches on the Articles of Incorporation for the Konkourona Alliance Foundation (KAFO), Inc. before sending them out, leading…

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  • Happy Mother’s Day from Konkourona!

    Happy Mother’s Day from Konkourona!

    Sabine is recovering beautifully from the surgery she had one month ago to remove a benign tumor from her jaw that was making it difficult for her to eat, talk and breathe.  In this picture, she is with her 8 month old baby in front of what is being built as a Women’s Center.  She…

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  • Sabine’s surgery was successful!

    Sabine’s surgery was successful!

    Many people asked how Sabine’s surgery went, so I wanted to send a quick update to you from Félix.  Félix is from Konkourona and finishing up a PharmD program in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.  Félix managed everything about Sabine’s care, taking her to specialists, scheduling the surgery, rounding up the materials and medications needed, making payments,…

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  • Tomorrow is a big day for Sabine!

    Tomorrow is a big day for Sabine!

    This is Sabine (32), who is from Konkourona and is married with three children (15, 10, and 7 months).  Three years ago, Sabine noticed a growth in her jaw and it has gotten progressively worse over time.  There is now a health center in Konkourona that can be used to treat most healthcare issues, but…

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  • Happy Women’s Day!

    Happy Women’s Day!

    This is Catherine, the hard working wife of the KAFO Field Program Director (Victorien), mother of 5 children, caretaker for the KAFO headquarters building, and the leader of the Women’s Association in Konkourona. Catherine rises early and works tirelessly each day to care for her family and support the development efforts in Konkourona. Let’s celebrate…

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  • Growth continues!

    Growth continues!

    Computer classes at the library have surged due to Business Online donating 20 computers, enhancing skills in Word and Excel. Health data shows high care-seeking behavior with significant community engagement in maternal and child health services. Efforts towards improving educational facilities and housing for teachers reflect strong momentum towards sustainable development goals.

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  • Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year!

    Victorien Millogo, KAFO Field Program Director There were three primary goals for KAFO in 2023: All of these goals (and so much more) were accomplished in 2023, thanks in great part to the leadership of Victorien Millogo, farmer and KAFO Field Program Director. Victorien has lived in Konkourona all of his life and has no…

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  • Happy Thanksgiving from Konkourona!

    Happy Thanksgiving from Konkourona!

    Life in the remote village of Konkourona, Burkina Faso, is hard, but it has improved dramatically over the past 4 years. We are extremely grateful to our closest friends, colleagues and family members for joining us in helping this community build a brighter future. There are security risks in Burkina Faso that prevent most people…

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  • Dengue fever hits Burkina Faso!

    Dengue fever hits Burkina Faso!

    KAFO President, Dr. Jules Millogo, speaks out about dengue Burkina Faso’s health ministry confirmed that one of the deadliest dengue fever epidemics yet has been impacting the country over the past few weeks. Since the start of the year, the country has recorded more than 51,000 suspected cases and more than 200 deaths of the…

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  • New school year has begun!

    New school year has begun!

    The village of Konkourona celebrated the tremendous successes in education from the past 4 years by enrolling a record number of students in elementary school, middle school and high school this year. KAFO and MSN made sure that primary school students had books and supplies, and middle school and high school students had books, supplies,…

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  • Big plans for 2022!

    Big plans for 2022!

    The medical equipment and supplies for the new health center in Konkourona made it to the port in Accra, Ghana 4 weeks ago, from West Grove, PA in the US. While we are waiting for the shipment to clear customs, work has started on several new projects. Desertification is a major concern in Burkina Faso,…

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  • Progress continues!

    Progress continues!

    A delegation from Burkina Faso’s Ministry of Health visited Konkourona in February and met with village leaders (below) to discuss the overall health center management system. Together, they covered the costs of essential medicines and vaccines, government support of the equipment needed and being sent from the United States, and the need for a transparent…

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  • Message from President

    You may have seen news about the President of Burkina Faso being overthrown by the military. Many of you have contacted KAFO to ask whether Konkourona is safe in the midst of these uncertain times. Thank you so much for your concern about the people in my native country. All is well in Konkourona. The…

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  • Shipment was sent!

    Shipment was sent!

    I had the great fortune to work with many people from Project c.u.r.e. over the past 10 months to prepare for shipment of medical equipment and supplies to Konkourona, Burkina Faso, some of whom are pictured here. Thankfully, Evariste Yanogo, who managed the actual shipping, purchased an extra large container for us, because we needed…

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  • Health center almost finished!

    Health center almost finished!

    Hundreds of hard-working people gathered to clean the grounds around their brand-new maternal and child center, primary care center, pharmacy, housing for healthcare workers, kitchens, and latrines. Leaders are inviting people to make the health center a place that people from anywhere in the region, country and world would want to visit to obtain care.…

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  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Family and friends from Merck & Co., Inc., the Souderton-Telford Rotary Club, and Care and Share Thrift Shoppes came together this week to help us collect beautiful clothing and sturdy shoes to finish packing a shipping container of medical equipment to be donated by Project C.U.R.E. and soon to be sent by partner, Evariste Yanogo,…

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  • Back to school!

    Back to school!

    School typically starts in October in Burkina Faso, but sixth grade students and their teacher started one month early this year, with the hope of keeping up the momentum for the number of students passing the entrance exam for middle school. Students and teachers of other grades returned to school on 13-Sep-2021, three weeks early,…

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  • Village Leaders Travel to Mali

    Village Leaders Travel to Mali

    Victorien Millogo, KAFO’s Field Program Director and Mami Siara N’a’s Vice President (in blue), traveled to Mpakasso, Mali with Moussa David Millogo (far left), and Ardiouma Millogo (second from right) at the beginning of August. The team met with Dr. Souleymane Kone (right) and leaders and community members from Mpakasso to learn best practices for…

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  • Health Access is on the Horizon

    Health Access is on the Horizon

    Everyday, great progress is made on the construction of the health center in Konkourona. As the team in Konkourona continues to work hard on the outside, we are hard at work on what to put inside. Establishing supply chains for essential equipment and supplies has become the next priority for the opening of the health…

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