Our Projects

The Women’s Center is open!

Men, women and children gathered in the multipurpose center last week for training to improve the water management system…

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Health Center capacity is growing!

Approximately 1.5 million people lose their lives to vaccine-preventable diseases every year, making vaccines one of the most…

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We have a new record!

Two weeks ago, 50 students travelled from Konkourona to a neighboring village in the back of the KAFO/MSN tricycle trailer to take the…

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Who We Are

Konkourona Alliance Foundation (KAFO), Inc. is a charity organization created to help break the cycle of poverty in one small village. KAFO aims to bring new hope and opportunities to the people living in Konkourona, Burkina Faso through access to education, healthcare, water and sanitation, economic development and environmental protection in our First Mile Community Development Program (FMCDP).

Where We Work

Konkourona Alliance Foundation (KAFO), Inc. is a charity organization created to help break the cycle of poverty in one small village. KAFO aims to bring new hope and opportunities to the people living in Konkourona, Burkina Faso through access to education, healthcare, water and sanitation in our First Mile Community Development Program (FMCDP) as a proof of concept.

Community and Project News

Want to know more?

Do you have questions about KAFO or want to know how you can help support the development in Konkourona, Burkina Faso?

Feel free to drop us a note!