Happy Thanksgiving from Konkourona!
Life in the remote village of Konkourona, Burkina Faso, is hard, but it has improved dramatically over the past 4 years. We are extremely grateful to our closest friends, colleagues and family members for joining us in helping this community build a brighter future. There are security risks in Burkina Faso that prevent most people…
Dengue fever hits Burkina Faso!
KAFO President, Dr. Jules Millogo, speaks out about dengue Burkina Faso’s health ministry confirmed that one of the deadliest dengue fever epidemics yet has been impacting the country over the past few weeks. Since the start of the year, the country has recorded more than 51,000 suspected cases and more than 200 deaths of the…
New school year has begun!
The village of Konkourona celebrated the tremendous successes in education from the past 4 years by enrolling a record number of students in elementary school, middle school and high school this year. KAFO and MSN made sure that primary school students had books and supplies, and middle school and high school students had books, supplies,…
We are building a vaccination facility!
The United Nations estimates that the average life expectancy in Burkina Faso is just over 60 years, which is well below the highest life expectancy in the world of 87, in Monaco. The leading causes of death are infectious diseases, and there are many vaccines to help prevent them. So KAFO and MSN are partnering…
Health Center capacity is growing!
Approximately 1.5 million people lose their lives to vaccine-preventable diseases every year, making vaccines one of the most cost-effective investments in health and development in history, according to Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance. Vaccination campaigns were occurring in Konkourona, but with no vaccine refrigerator, the availability of vaccines was sporadic. Last week, the District Medical Office…