The Women’s Center is open in Konkourona!
Men, women and children gathered in the multipurpose center last week for training to improve the water management system in Konkourona. The new center will be managed by the women in the community for vaccination campaigns, a waiting area for patients using the health center, a cafeteria, a training room, and a hub for…
Happy 5th Birthday to KAFO!
Exactly 5 years ago today, I was on a trip to Acadia National Park in Maine with my daughters and my niece. I woke up early and worked in the lobby while they slept, putting the finishing touches on the Articles of Incorporation for the Konkourona Alliance Foundation (KAFO), Inc. before sending them out, leading…
Tomorrow is a big day for Sabine!
This is Sabine (32), who is from Konkourona and is married with three children (15, 10, and 7 months). Three years ago, Sabine noticed a growth in her jaw and it has gotten progressively worse over time. There is now a health center in Konkourona that can be used to treat most healthcare issues, but…
Dengue fever hits Burkina Faso!
KAFO President, Dr. Jules Millogo, speaks out about dengue Burkina Faso’s health ministry confirmed that one of the deadliest dengue fever epidemics yet has been impacting the country over the past few weeks. Since the start of the year, the country has recorded more than 51,000 suspected cases and more than 200 deaths of the…
We are building a vaccination facility!
The United Nations estimates that the average life expectancy in Burkina Faso is just over 60 years, which is well below the highest life expectancy in the world of 87, in Monaco. The leading causes of death are infectious diseases, and there are many vaccines to help prevent them. So KAFO and MSN are partnering…